EST   Kohe kohe tuleb Isadepäev ja ma näitan täna Teile oma viimast tööd. Ma tegin isale funktsionaalse pildiraami, mis on ka ühtlasi seinakell. Pildiraami aluseks on paksu kangaga kaetud papp. Tausta ma kruntisin üle, rikastasin tekstuurpastaga, värvisin spray- ja akrüülvärvide, vedela vase ja rohelise paatinaga. Dekooris on kasutatud mu isa huvidele ja tegevustele viitavad detailid. Ta on insener ja lihtsalt kuldsete kätega mees! Seega kasutasin dekooris hammasrattaid, transistoreid, lambikesi, tööriistaid miniatuuris. Veel meeldib talle pildistada ja teed, seega ma lisasin raamile ka fotokaamera ja pisikese teekannu.

ENG   Today I would like to share my newest creation: a functional photoframe together with a wall clock. It is going to be a present for my father. Mixed media frame background is grounded and textured and coloured and aged using various techniques... The decorations refer to my father´s hobbies and life activities. He is an engineer, deals with all the technical stuff, and he also likes tea and photography. Have you notices a little kettle on the frame?

ENG   Hello! 
I´ve made this grunge mixed media layout in order to participate in the 7 Dots Studio September-October challenge Frame It (till 19th Oct). 7 Dots is my favourite scrap paper producer! Their paper (especially dark-colored designs) are perfect for mixed media! Too sad it is not easy to find them in Estonia... 
This layout is about my British Shorthair cat Ponchik and his constant rival - my child. Ponchik is jealous of me and my love, he was my "first baby" and is not ready to give up his positions. So here he steps up, willing to live the new baby behind...
I used a sheet of dark 7Dots Destination Unknown paper as the base. I covered it partly with black and white gesso, enriched with texture paste, spray-colours, alcoholic inks and white embossing. I also used 7Dots Destination Unknown and Lost and Found text stickers (love them!). For decoration I used die cuts, buttons, beads, pieces of paper and leather, and other bits and bobs.

EST   Esitan jälle oma uut mixed media lehekülge, seekord siis granž-stiilis (grunge). Peakangelasteks on mu kass Pontšik ja ta rivaal - minu laps. Pontšik on pisut armukade... Taustaks on 7Dots skrap-paber, mille ma rikastasin tekstuurpasta ja valge embossinguga. Värviaktsendid: spreivärvid ja alkohoolsed tindid, Dekooris on kasutatud väljalõikeid, papi ja naha tükke, nööpe, helmeid ja palju muud. 


EST   Tere!
Täna soovin näidata Teile uut pisikest raamatukest, mida võib kasutada võtmehoidjatena (A8 formaadis). See on hästi vana sünge raamatuke, mis otsekui tuleks kusagilt mahajäetud maja pööningult. Tõeline gootika. Minu soov oli teha midagi, mis meenutaks nõialoitsudega raamatut. Sees on kolme 19. sajandi raamatu lehed. Raamatuke lõhnab hallituse musta maagia järgi...

ENG   Hi!
Today I´d like to show a new minibook which can be used as key rings (size A8). It is an old dark little book that one could find somewhere in the attic of an abandned mansion. My aim was to make something like a witch´s spellbook. There are sheets from three 19th century books inside and the book smells of mold dark magic...